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1709 – Hiring a Tree Care Company   arrow

Using a tree care company can provide professional maintenance for big jobs and save homeowners time.

Hiring a tree care company

Tree care companies may specialize in phases of tree care or offer full tree care service. Typical services include consultation, problem diagnosis, planting, fertilizing, insect and disease control, cabling and bracing, and pruning and removal.

Hiring a tree care companyAll tree care companies offering insect and disease control services with pesticides must be licensed by the Colorado Department of Agriculture. The department can be reached at 303-239-4140 to check licensing. Several communities in Colorado have ordinances that require tree care companies to be licensed. Local city halls have information about ordinances and licenses.

Tree care companies should be able to provide product labels and safety data sheets on fertilizers before treatment. Ask for a list of references where a company’s finished work can be checked.

Some tree care companies may employ certified arborists. The International Society of Arboriculture tests individuals on the principles of tree care and issues a license if the test is passed. The Rocky Mountain Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture, which can be reached at 303-756-1815, can provide a listing of certified arborists.

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