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Science-based gardening information for Colorado communities from CSU Extension, Denver Botanic Gardens, and Green Industries of Colorado.

1320 – Jade Plant   arrow

Jade plant

Jade plants can live for a long time and grow into small trees or shrubs up to five feet tall.

What temperature should my jade plant be at?

Jade plants require day-time temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and night-time temperatures between 50 and 55 degrees. During the winter months, protect plants near windows from cold by moving them a short distance from the window.

This thick-stemmed, fleshy-leafed plant needs bright sunlight and warm temperatures. A plant grown in sunny exposures can withstand higher temperatures than a plant grown in poor light.

How much water does a jade plant need?

jade plant

Keep the soil moist, but not wet. Soak the soil thoroughly with each watering to keep soil moist, pouring off excess water that accumulates in the saucer. Do not water too frequently, as wet soil may result in root rot. Conversely, don’t allow the plant to become excessively dry. Typically, jade plants require more water in spring and summer during their active growth, and less water during winter. Lack of water often results in dwarfing, foliage spotting, leaf drop, and, eventually, death. If your plant requires watering more than once a day to stay moist, transplant it to a larger pot.

How should I repot a jade plant?

Jade plant

When you shift your jade plant to a larger pot, put some soil in the bottom of the pot and firm the soil around the old root ball. Be sure to leave enough room at the top of the pot for proper watering. Water the soil thoroughly at first, and don’t water again until the soil dries out on top. The best time to move your jade to a larger pot is during the active growth period.

Should I fertilize my jade plant?

Fertilize your jade plants once every three months. Liquid fertilizer is easiest to apply, but be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Never apply fertilizer to dry soil, because it can result in root injury. Jade plants grow best in soil mixtures that drain well, specifically those that do not contain additives designed to retain moisture.

For more information, see the following Planttalk Colorado™ video(s).

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