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Science-based gardening information for Colorado communities from CSU Extension, Denver Botanic Gardens, and Green Industries of Colorado.

1102 – Container Gardening: Containers   arrow

Container gardening is a fun way to garden. To those living in a condo, apartment or who are challenged by physical limitations, growing something in a container is a wonderful way to get close to nature. Growing, maturing and caring for a plant can be very therapeutic and many get satisfaction from seeing their work flourish or being able to harvest fruit and vegetables they have grown.

Gardening in containers is easy and a large variety of containers are available for these gardens, but be aware of their limitations. In the dry, Colorado climate, moss baskets don’t do well. A gardener is better off using something that does not dry out as fast. Good choices are a plastic pot placed inside a basket or decorative clay pot, or a plastic pot inside of a moss basket instead of planting directly the basket.

Unique containers make wonderful conversation pieces and express personality. Use old shoes, boots, crates, or natural containers such as rocks, driftwood or old stumps. Anything that will hold soil and plants and will drain, will do. For a more traditional container garden, whiskey barrels, terra cotta pots, ceramic pots, plastic pots and window boxes are all available at local garden centers.

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