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Science-based gardening information for Colorado communities from CSU Extension, Denver Botanic Gardens, and Green Industries of Colorado.

1065 – Annual Flower Trials   arrow

trial gardens Come view the Annual Flower Trials conducted by the Colorado State University Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture in Fort Collins. The trial garden consists of over twelve hundred varieties from many different plant/seed companies. Many of these new varieties will become available to growers in future years. All varieties are planted at a very visible site west of the Center for the Arts, located at the southeast corner of the CSU campus at 1401 Remington Street.

trial gardens

Plan to visit the side-by-side comparisons of new bedding plant varieties with standards (older proven varieties). The best viewing time is late July through killing frost.

YouTube Videos

For more information, see the following Colorado State University Extension resource(s):

For more information, see the following Planttalk Colorado™ script(s).

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