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Science-based gardening information for Colorado communities from CSU Extension, Denver Botanic Gardens, and Green Industries of Colorado.

1016 – Perennials: for the Rock Garden   arrow

hens and chicksWhat better place is there to create a rock garden than here in the Rockies. As we hike through the Rocky Mountains, it inspires us to create our own natural micro-climate in our backyards.

Once you have selected the area in your yard, it is time to step back and take into consideration the following:

  1. Use rocks of one geological type
  2. Consider creating a natural slope or terrace
  3. Insure good soil drainage
  4. columbinePlant a variety of species, but with similar water and sun exposure needs.
  5. Plan on using perennials that are low growing and have a clumping habit.

For an extensive listing of recommended perennials, see the following CSU Extension Fact Sheet

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