What is most important in weed prevention?
Landscape weed control requires a three-pronged approach: prevention, cultural, and chemical control. Weeds are opportunists. If there is an area in the yard with little or no vegetation, or if the vegetation is highly stressed, weeds will flourish. Their adaptability to difficult growing conditions is what makes us call them a weed.
What plants can prevent weeds?
Prevent weeds by encouraging the rapid establishment of ornamental plants or a dense, healthy lawn. Keep large areas of your yard free of weeds through the use of weed barriers and mulch.
What is the difference between annual and perennial weeds?

Annuals may be summer annuals such as crabgrass. There are also winter annuals that germinate in fall and live over the winter, such as blue mustard. Biennials like common burdock, houndstongue, and musk thistle require two seasons to complete their growth cycle and it is preferable to eliminate them before the second year when seeds are produced. Perennials, plants that grow every year include common dandelion, Canada thistle, and field bindweed.
With this prevention and identification knowledge, you are well on your way to getting landscape weed problems in hand.
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