When we have heavy snowfalls along the Front Range, it is certainly welcome for the moisture it provides and creates less need to emphasize winter watering.
How does snow impact annuals and perennials?
Annuals, such as petunias and snapdragons, may overwinter under the snow cover that provided insulation from cold temperatures. Perennials may show little dieback of stems.
What do I do for snow impacted annuals and perennials?
Remove any dead-brown portions in March/early April. Ornamental grasses can be cut back as usual in March to early April.
What do I do for snow impacted trees and shrubs?

Corrective pruning may be needed for trees and shrubs with broken twigs and branches that had to bear heavy snow loads. Many upright junipers can have vertical branches weighed down by snow that won’t return to the original position. Correctively prune affected branches by removing back to a vertical shoot. Tying upright junipers in a spiral with loose nylon rope before winter can prevent branch bending.
Small shrubs that are flattened by piles of snow may also need some corrective pruning to remove bent or broken branches. They may have a less-attractive appearance for a couple years.
For more information, see the following Planttalk Colorado™ video(s).