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Science-based gardening information for Colorado communities from CSU Extension, Denver Botanic Gardens, and Green Industries of Colorado.

1408 – Clover Mites   arrow

What are clover mites?

Clover mites are very small red and green mites, often concentrated in lawn grass next to the foundation of a building. They are especially abundant in Colorado during dry, warm winters, often congregating on the south and west side of buildings. Several generations are born during their winter-spring active period.

What do clover mites damage?

Clover mite

Clover mites often damage lawn grass, turning it a silvery-tan color. Winter watering, especially on southwestern exposures, can help to minimize mite damage to lawns.

Are clover mites harmful?

Clover mites often enter buildings during the winter months and, depending on weather conditions, will stay from October through early May. Once in a building, mites can spread to walls, curtains, furniture and carpet. Although they do not bite, transmit diseases or feed on houseplants or furnishings, they can be a nuisance and leave red stains when crushed on surfaces. Inside homes, vacuum mites and immediately dispose of the bag.

How can I control the clover mite population in my home?

To keep clover mites from entering a building, leave an unplanted, three-foot border around the building. To chemically prevent clover mites from entering a building, spray an insecticide containing bifenthrin (several trade names) on the foundation of the south and west sides of the building. These chemicals can control clover mites in grass areas, too.

For more information, see the following Colorado State University Extension fact sheet(s).

For more information, see the following Planttalk Colorado™ script(s).

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