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Science-based gardening information for Colorado communities from CSU Extension, Denver Botanic Gardens, and Green Industries of Colorado.

1081 – Growing Herbs in Containers   arrow

There are many benefits to growing herbs in containers. Container herb gardening is easy to do, it provides an opportunity to create interesting herb combinations and it can solve some gardening challenges.

What do I need to consider when planting herbs in containers?


There are just a few basic rules for growing herbs in containers. First, make sure to plant in a soil that drains well and second, plant in a pot with a hole in the bottom to allow for adequate drainage. Place containers near a hose for easy watering and apply enough water to drain out the bottom for preventing salt build-up.

How much moisture do herbs need?

Some herbs, like those from northern Europe, require more moisture than others. These herbs include parsley, chives, and oregano. Mediterranean herbs, such as sage, rosemary and thyme, require less moisture.

Should I plant herbs alone in a container?


Consider planting several herbs together for maximum impact. Just make sure the combinations have similar water and light needs. A “kitchen container garden” could include thyme, sage and tarragon; a “scented herb garden” might include mint, scented geranium, and lemon balm. Another interesting combination is to plant one container of different sages like common, tri-color, golden, purple, clary and pineapple.

What are the benefits or planting herbs in containers?

Container herb gardens also solve some gardening problems. For example, containers help corral mint that can spread aggressively in an open garden. Growing herbs in containers is also a nice alternative for gardeners who don’t have the space for a larger garden.

For more information, see the following Planttalk Colorado™ video(s).

For more information on container gardening, see the following Colorado State University Extension resource(s):

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